• Private Placement

    Judith Ormerod Assmann
    Director of Special Services
    Paige Esquivel
    Case Manager
    Lori Sturm, Administrative Assistant (847) 986-2367 lsturm@sedol.us
    The Private Placement Team (PPT) exists to assure appropriate special education services are available to member district students requiring more highly specialized programs than currently available within SEDOL.

    PPT accepts referrals from member district special education coordinators and SEDOL program supervisors when students are not making sufficient educational progress and another public or Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) approved nonpublic placement outside SEDOL is being considered.

    PPT participates in educational program planning and special education eligibility decision-making when member districts utilize SEDOL’s Public and Private Partnerships in Education Interim Alternative Education Setting (IAES) and Diagnostic Center programs at Connection’s Day School and South Campus.

    For an annually contracted fee, PPT provides the following service package to member districts:
    • Initial placement (including facility identification and application)
    • Annual private facility contracts
    • Residential room and board annual reimbursement applications (ISBE 34-37)
    • Interstate Compacts required for out-of-state residential placements
    • Routine Individual Education Program (IEP) progress monitoring
    • Participate in evaluation, manifestation and alternative educational setting meetings
    • Consultation regarding changes in service, placement transitions and emergencies
    • The following additional fee-for-service options exist for annually contracted member districts:
      • Initial case study evaluation (e.g., hospital or homeschool)
      • Psychiatric consultation
      • Case study re-evaluation

    Alternatively, PPT offers SEDOL member districts a limited consultation annual contract.