The Technology Department advances SEDOL’s mission of providing Exceptional Services to Exceptional Students by Exceptional Staff by assuming responsibility for leadership, guidance, and support in the following areas of district operations:
- Purchasing, deploying, and supporting student, staff, and classroom technology;
- Ensuring that the district’s wireless and wired networks are maintained and functioning;
- Maintaining various databases and applications and leveraging these tools to meet organizational needs as well as state and federal reporting requirements;
- Maintaining and supporting the district’s Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system;
- Maintaining content on the district’s website;
- Managing student data privacy (SOPPA) requirements;
- Working in conjunction with SEDOL’s Assistive Technology (AT) facilitators to implement the tiered model of AT consideration and service delivery for campus and sector programs;
- Providing coaching on how to leverage various technology tools to enhance student engagement and learning;
- Providing staff access to various databases and software systems necessary for them to conduct their job functions.