Hello from room 207. In our room, we have 5 amazing students and two amazing Para Pro's (Shari and Amy).
We do fun learning activities throughout our school day. Each morning is morning group. This is where we talk about the day of the week, listen to the local weather report, identify our own names as well as our classmates, and look over our schedule for the day. It is also where we work on counting out the date and counting out how many students came to our class that day. Each day we work on a modified version of the Unique Curriculum. This curriculum allows our class to experience activities that involve Reading, Writing, Math and Science. During the week we read stories that relate to the curriculum and have the students answer questions about what we just read.
Throughout the month, the students will work on math skills by doing math worksheets, cooking activities (using measuring cups, talking about more/less and counting out ingredients), and taking surveys (counting out the votes and then putting the results on a graph). Science activities are explored by doing science experiments and “analyzing” the data collected from the experiment. Writing activities are also used throughout the month. With writing activities, students get to explore choice making to complete sentence templates or paragraphs. They also get the opportunity to experience journal writing, using words/pictures from a template, to express their ideas. New to our activites this year is a "book club" where we review different curricular and seasonal books. We also do a variety of art activities. The art activities may relate to the curriculum unit we are working on or a fun seasonal project. With art activities, we are able to explore things such as color and shape identification as well as choice making and following directions.
After reading this, we hope you have a better idea of just some of the fun activities that happen in our classroom. All our activities are posted in my Google Classroom. Feel free to explore the activities we are doing!