Phone: 847-986-2512
Degrees and Certifications:
BS in Education: (Developmentally Handicapped and Severe and Profoundly Handicapped, BGSU 1990) MA: Art of Teaching, NSU 2004
Ann Watson
I graduated from Bowling Green State University in Ohio with double major in two areas of special education in 1990 and have been teaching for 25 years. After moving to Illinois for my husbnad's job, I found Laremont School. This is my 5th year at Laremont in the ELP program and I absolutely love it! Teaching students with special needs has always been my passion and I'm so fortunate to be able to have found a school as special as this one.
In my free time I enjoy watching sports (mostly basketball), reading historical fiction and keeping busy with my hands refinishing old furniture or working in the yard. My most recent project was building a deck on our house and now I am tackling a bathroom project.